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For many years, explorers and excavators have been busy all round the world, bringing to light monuments and texts that have often revolutionized our conceptions of history or shed new light on what was previously known. But in no other part of the world has all of this effort been more fruitful than in the lands of the Bible. Archaeology in Egypt and Babylonia has opened up great new...

which Ptolemy Philadelphia set up there, but side by side with this name the place, all through its history, bore the name Thakut, which is philologically the Egyptian equivalent of the Hebrew Succoth. As this was the first station of the Hebrews when they left Egypt (Exod. 12:37; 13:20; Num. 33:5, 6), Naville holds that the Hebrews, after leaving the land of Goshen, must have passed out on the south side of the Isthmus of Suez. Petrie believes that in the winter of 1905–1906 he discovered the city
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